- 1Schwerin
- 2Peenemünde
- 3Sassnitz
- 4Stralsund
- 5Greifswald
- 6Rügen
- 7Prora
- 8Usedom
- 9Rostock
- 10Bad Doberan
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (http://www.auf-nach-mv.de...)? Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is a federal-state in Germany, located in the northeastern corner of the country between Brandenburg and the Baltic Sea, and the neighboring country of Poland. It is very flat and also the least populated part of the country. Historically, Pomerania continues to the east following the Baltic coastline of Poland. The interior of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is flat and low-lying, as is most of northern Germany.
There are a large number of lakes formed by the action of glaciers long ago.